Welcome to the world of Karen’s Kids! I am a former elementary school teacher. I loved teaching, and drawing kid-characters thus the name Karen’s Kids.
Teaching in a K-6 classroom was my dream job, but setting up and writing curriculum (with Karen’s Kids characters) for a K – 6th grade resource center, science lab, writing lab, math olympiad and science training centers, science fair days and tons of hands-on programs, was definitely my favorite.
If you are looking for fun educational resources, or clipart to create your own resources, check out our clipart sets, free activities, worksheets and templates in Karen’s Kids Blog and Karen’s Kids Store. ,
Meet the Kids
Every day the kids made me laugh, and sometimes cry. You can see their runny noses, untied shoes, bandaids, tears and giggles in the characters I draw. You might recognize some of them. They step in puddles, track mud in the house, sing, giggle and talk to their toys.
They collect string, and bugs and dinosaur bones. They are pirates, mermaids, storytellers and explorers. They are the kids in your class, your home, down the street and from all around the world and this is their story.
Karen’s Kids characters are based on a little bit of everyone’s kids and 8 main characters: