DIY Fold Cards With Clip Art
Use clip art to make hundreds of awesome fold card projects. Whether you are making templates your kids or creating cards yourself fold cards are a fun and easy way to celebrate any special occasion from Mother’s Day to Valentine’s Day and everything in between.
Cards encourage writing. Here’s a tip from a a teacher in Michigan.
“I use clip art to design cards and stationery for my Writing Center. My students love using these ready-made materials to send get well wishes to sick classmates, thank you for parent helpers, or write to their pen-pals at another school… Not only do they practice writing, but often they will add to the picture with their own art work.” ~Andrea from MI
Here are a few ideas for creating shape fold cards with clip art.
Shape fold cards are fun to make and send, and clip art helps to create some pretty cute greetings. Search your clip art files for your favorite clip art.

To begin, open your word processing program. An 8 1/2 X 11 inch page makes 2 cards. Draw a light colored fold line down the center of your page from top to bottom. Place a clip art image on the right side of the fold line so that after it is printed you can fold the card in half. Keep the page folded when you cut the image out. Cut around the image leaving a little white space and making sure not to cut through the fold.

Use either black and white clip art (for kids to color) or colored clip art. (Rubber stamp users: you can color clip art images the same way you color your rubber stamp prints.) Simple shapes make this a great activity for younger students to practice cutting skills.

If you have time, or better yet a volunteer with computer skills, create a writing template for the inside of your shape. Add lines or writing prompts.

“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” ~Judy Garland
Have a great week creating!