Bulletin Boards With Clip Art
Welcome students, promote kindness, display schedules and more. Did you know that you can enlarge clip art to bulletin board size images? Print images on legal or tabloid size paper. Laminate them and use them over and over in different bulletin board layouts.
Click here for a short tutorial on how to use PowerPoint to create projects.
Here are six fun bulletin boards you can make with clip art.
Clip Art Bulletin Boards that Welcome Students

Materials for this bulletin board:
- Color border
- Crayon clip art
- Individual kids or a row of kids
- Individual letters for the title
IDEA: Have the kids draw and color themselves. Outline with a thick black marker. Cut the shapes out. Use different kid-shapes for different bulletin boards throughout the year. Their drawings are great for accenting areas of you room.
(These images are from Karen’s Kids Back to School Clip Art)
Kindness Catcher Bulletin Boards

The only clip art needed for this bulletin board is frog clip art. The Kindness Catcher response cards that kids post to the wall were created on an 8 1/2 x 11 page. Frogs were enlarged for the bulletin board and reduced in size for the response cards.
I Know My Colors

Create bulletin boards with moveable parts. Kids can match color names to an image. The images in this sample are from Karen’s Kids I Know My Colors Set. You can make your own characters, each with a different color and shades of that color. Make color-name cards in your word processing program.

Practice color concepts with a worksheet that matches your bulletin board. In your word processing program make a worksheet that looks like the bulletin board. Use black and white clip art instead of colored clip art.
Schedules Bulletin Boards

Clip art of kids and rectangle shapes are all you need to create schedule cards that fit your color scheme and theme.
Samples from Karen’s Kids:
Calendar Bulletin Boards

You can make calendars that fit your classroom style and your color scheme. Pin up a wall calendar without any decorations or create your own calendar template with a ruler and black marker.
The images in the sample can be viewed here: Monthly Headers and Monthly Calendar Numbers

In your word processing program make a page of clip art images that fit your theme for the month. What has worked best for me is a layout with 9 images per page with each image measuring 3 X 3. BUT…if you make your own calendar with larger spaces you can also enlarge your clip art number cards to fit whatever size space you create.
Laminate, cut out and use your cards year after year. Remember you now have a template that you can easily change.
The images in the sample can be viewed here: Monthly Headers and Monthly Calendar Numbers

Creating a simple black and white calendar template allows you to change colors, headers and accents to fit the season.
Student of the Week Bulletin Boards

Accent-clip art like pencils, stars, kids and animals brighten up bulletin boards. One of the best things about clip art is that it allows you to enlarge and reduce the images to fit your space. Each clip art image can be used hundreds of times for hundreds of projects.
Wall Clock Displays

If you have a wall clock (round, square or oval) why not decorate it to fit a special occasion. Use monthly themed clip art to make your clock a symbol of the season.
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“The more you give away the more happy you become.
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” ~Dr. Suess
Have a great week!